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    Baltimore Data Week 2022 Agenda:
    Monday, July 18th (VIRTUAL)
    Topic: Greening and Recreation

    2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

    Session Details: Playgrounds are vital community assets that support the h […]

  • With Baltimore experiencing another decade of population loss that represents continued stress on the city’s stability and positive change, the Baltimore Community Change Project 2010-2020 has launched an ongoing […]

  • By Kaitlyn Baker

    Web scraping is a significant tool to have when considering the acquisition of data from online sources. A web scraper can be designed to extract data from one or more websites to be used as […]

  • By: Amivi Atsu
    The Process
    Meetup API was very helpful in getting data such as the number of members per country, per state, per city. It was also helpful in getting data about the additional number of members […]

  • A rose may be a “rose by any other name”, as Shakespeare writes, but when it comes to communities, the name used to refer to place connects everyone to a sense of identity, history and pride. So creating the lab […]

  • Redistricting data was just released hours ago by the US Census Bureau https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial-census/about/rdo/summary-files.html and the BNIA team is working quickly to look at how p […]

  • By: Hannah Boyd – (Data Science Corps Fellow, Spring 2021)

    The last year has been a tough and stressful time for many people. Luckily, there are finally a few different vaccines available for COVID-19, and […]

  • By: Ruth Robinson

    Objective and Background:

    With the rise of the novel COVID-19 virus changing the social norms of the population in 2020 and persisting into 2021, many have individually conformed to those […]

  • By Michael Vandi (Data Science Corps Fellow, 2020)

    In the era of data-driven decision making, an intrinsic part of data analysis means understanding what is in the datasets to begin with. However, as data […]

  • By Brian Kelly (Data Science Corps Fellow, Fall 2020)

    When it comes to transportation, urban communities worldwide will always need access to good public transit. To help better define what makes a community […]

  • Logan Shertz wrote a new post 4 years ago

    By Brian Kelly

    On August 1st, 2019 Baltimore City launched a shared dockless vehicle program where a user can rent a scooter using a mobile app. The Scooters are owned by the private companies like Jump, Lime, […]

  • Logan Shertz wrote a new post 4 years ago

    By Naomi Weiss and Michael Vandi

    Maps are an integral part of our everyday lives. We use them to navigate our way around, check the weather, or look up information for places we want to visit. However, about 70 […]

  • Logan Shertz wrote a new post 4 years ago

    By Ruth Robinson and Priya Kanneboyina

    With the stay at home orders issued at the beginning of the novel Covid-19 pandemic, the ability to navigate the web and make video calls have become an essential function […]

  • One week ago, on March 30, the “stay at home” order went into effect in Baltimore City and throughout Maryland. This was just a week ago, but with the news of so many coronavirus cases that continue to rise and t […]

  • To help users of data learn about new data and features in the latest edition of the Vital Signs report, BNIA-JFI staff will be hosting weekly webinars called “Vital Signs Wednesdays”

    New Features in Vital […]




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Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance
The Jacob France Institute
1420 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
410-837-4377 | [email protected]