• Vital Signs 17, a comprehensive statistical portrait of Baltimore and its neighborhoods, marks 17 years of continuous monitoring of community-based quality of life indicators. The latest edition of the report, […]

  • Since the Federal Opportunity Zones (OZ) where announced in 2017, there has been both welcome anticipation and also not insignificant anxiety about the impact that these kinds of funds could have on Baltimore’s […]

  • Data-Driven Decision Making in West Baltimore for Smart Technology Planning
    See the Full Report Smart Cities Data Use Summary Final Draft
    About the Project
    Beginning in 2017, the Baltimore “Smart Cities I […]

  • At the Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance, our research has shown that we must address and eliminate the disparities among neighborhoods  for a more equitable and just city overall. In the wake of the […]

  • Giving a ‘voice’ to local context by focusing on quantitative measures of neighborhood trends can help foster collaborative solutions by residents, elected officials, government agencies and other multi-sector sta […]

  • In 2015, as part of a program called the USA Sustainable Cities Initiative (USA-SCI), Baltimore was selected as one of three US cities to pilot implementation of 17 new United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development […]

  • Baltimore Interactive Map Launches
    Highlights Arts + Culture Across the City Along with Community Indicators
    Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance-Jacob France Institute (BNIA-JFI) announces the launch of […]

  • How can you get involved?

    Nominate a dataset you would like to see hosted on Open Baltimore

    Sign up to stay connected to the Open Data group with BNIA-JFI

    Join any of the Code for Baltimore Meetups and […]

  • Data from the latest Vital Signs report point to a pretty strange paradox: the top three neighborhoods in Baltimore with high housing voucher use (i.e. households are using a voucher to offset the cost of rental […]

  • Seema Iyer wrote a new post 9 years ago

    The Sept. 14 edition of the University of Baltimore class, “Divided Baltimore: How Did We Get Here? Where Do We Go?,” featured three guest lecturers focused on the topic of segregation and the various forms it […]

  • Seema Iyer wrote a new post 9 years, 1 month ago

    The Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance-Jacob France Institute (BNIA-JFI) has been a resource on the University of Baltimore’s campus since 2007. BNIA-JFI produces Vital Signs, an annual report on quality […]




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Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance
The Jacob France Institute
1420 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
410-837-4377 | [email protected]